Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a gentle and nourishing practise, which enables the entire system to slow down, allowing for healing, relaxation and self-nurturing to occur.

During a restorative yoga practise the body is placed into sumptuous, supported positions using a variety of props. As the body yields to the support, all effort dissolves and the nervous system is calmed, physical tension and stress melt away, and the mind becomes still and quiet.

The session is made complete by the addition of soft music and flickering candle-light. Walk away feeling nourished, at peace and ready for a good  night’s sleep.


There are so many!!  This beautiful practise is well suited to any one living within the restraints of a modern ‘busy’ life (so that’s pretty much everybody!). It is particularly beneficial for all of the following issues:

+ Anxiety
+ Stress
+ Overwhelm/Exhaustion
+ Depletion
+ Chronic health problems
+ An overly busy mind
+ Autoimmune issues
+ A compromised nervous system
+ Sleep problems

*Please choose wisely. Group and private yoga, massage, training, workshops and events are non-refundable and non-transferable.